Alina Galiy

4 | אוקראינה
אבחנה: לוקמיה

היסטוריה רפואית

Galiy Alina is a child who showed such perseverance when fighting against the terrible disease for more than half of her life. At the age of two, the girl was diagnosed with leukemia. Unfortunately, doctors in Ukraine couldn't help Alina. The family's only hope was their arrival in Israel. Sheba Medical Center accepted the girl for treatment. The Keren Or for Сhild charitable fund took over the fundraising.
Her small strong heart beat and fought in the hope of living to the last. However, there are things that doctors can't influence, there is something beyond our power. The doctors sincerely believed that they could save the little beauty, but fate decided otherwise. Now Alina's soul is calm. Rest in peace, little angel!

It's difficult to express our condolences to Alina's family because the pain of losing a child is impossible to imagine! We wish strength for parents and family to survive this grief.



מה כבר נעשה

אבחנה ראשונה
הסתיים שלב ראשון של טיפול עם תגובה טובה לטיפול.
אלינה עברה עוד 3 טיפולים כימוטרפים.
הגעה לטיפולים בבית חולים שיבא.
עמותת "קרן אור לילדינו מתחילה גיוס עבור אלינה לצורך מימון טיפולים.

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